Wednesday 18 July 2012

More Pics

Sail #1777 on a beat all the way around the point to Ashbridges beach.  We didn't technically beach the boat since the sun was going down (dusk is when we're getting the most wind!) but plan to do this on the next nice day.

We had great 8-9 knots and sailed for a couple hours over to the beach and then around the Friday night race fleet (keel boats).  A beautiful sight.

CL14 Sail #1777

Homes on Helms!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Spic 'n Span!!

This is almost a pointless post.  However, those who love the CL14 should enjoy it anyway.  I picked up a magic eraser and some Crystal Boat Soap from West Marine and gave The Mickler a good scrubdown.

                                                           So Fresh!  So Clean!

Sunday 8 July 2012

iPhone 4S - In the lake

Well, it was bound to happen.  We were enjoying some frosty beverages on the dock next to the Mickler (notice the folding chair actually in the boat) when I fell off the boat into the water.  This was funny until I realized my phone was in my pocket (rookie mistake).  Off to the Apple Store this morning - Appointment at the 'Genius Bar' where apparently, I can pay $200 for a replacement.  The rice trick didn't work.  At least I have everything backed up to iCloud

Ortski & Kapski

Wet iPhone

Wednesday 4 July 2012

July 4th Sail

33C, Sunny, no clouds, 7knts wind, and lots o' sunscreen.  Beautiful day for a sail.  Decided to take the day off since, technically, I'm an American citizen.  Mich got to hike out and dip her head in the water and she's really catching on to everything that's happening when we're out there.  Look at the smile on her face :)

Monday 25 June 2012

Wind Vane!

Q: "Which direction is the wind coming from today?"

Mystery Solved!  

As you can (barely) see, I now have a wind vane on the little Mickler.  Has come in very handy so far!

Mich showing off the new Davis Wind Vane

$40 @ West Marine -

Jib Furling Issues - Resolved (for now)

Update on my jib furling issues:  Since the forestay is only installed as additional mast support for my trapeze kit, and I won't be hanging off the trap any point soon, I have removed the forestay temporarily.  There is now nothing for the jib to get caught on when furling and all is well.

Q: "What happens when you DO want to reattach the forestay for the trap?"

A: If you take a look at the pic below, you'll see a disk that is supposed to help keep the forestay away.  I now have a disk from the good folks at C&L which is almost double the size.  I'll get this installed soon to see if it resolves the issue once and for all.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Another CL!

Some pics of a fellow CL sailor at ABYC.  A beauty CL11, owned by a friendly guy named Martin.  Michelle and I had the pleasure of helping him launch her for the maiden voyage.  A nice lookin' vessel!

Saturday 16 June 2012

Weekend Sailing

Sailed both Friday & Saturday.  Beautiful weather although winds not too strong (5-6 kt max).  I'm feeling MUCH more comfortable leaving the dock and coming back in.  No problems here anymore since taking some tips from a cat sailor down at the club.  Here is some GPS data of the sail.  Notice the distance from the shore this time.  We were pretty far out there and it certainly took some navigation to get us back.  What a blast.

GPS from Saturday Sail

GoPro Screenshot from Friday sail with Mich

Monday 28 May 2012

Sunrise @ Leslie Spit swing bridge

A pic I took from the swing bridge in the Leslie Spit early one morning - Summer 2011.

Tricked the Mick!

Great Saturday at ABYC.  We didn't actually get out sailing but sat around on the hard enjoying a few cold beverages in the sun next to the boat.  Dave V from C&L Boatworks was in Scarborough dropping off some boats so he came by to install some upgrades I purchased from him.
  • New 36" aluminum tiller extension to replace the 24" plastic extension that was on there (will post pic later).  Sweet grip on this thing.  
  • New main sheet
  • Harken rotating arm (with the cleat at the bottom - see maiden voyage post)
  • Harken block for the main
  • Harken boom block 

Installation of new Harken arm & block

Friday 25 May 2012

My jib furling troubles

Turns out, there is no real problem with the boat or way I rigged this sucker.  It appears to be the thick UV protector on the jib that the previous owners may have had installed.  It prevents the sail from furling around itself cleanly at the top.     Because of this, it gets caught in the forestay.  I have found that if I unfurl/furl it slowly and watch it carefully, it's fine.  Will see if I can set where the jib connects further back on the plate to give it a bit more room.  Otherwise, I'm taking scissors to this thing! :)

See how it furls?  Wack.  I know it's loose here but even when tight, same thing

Thursday 24 May 2012

Random shot

This is from the second day of sailing.  We thought the Go Pro battery died before getting out but it stayed alive for a few minutes.  A shot of Ortski and Michelle below leaving the harbour.

Monday 21 May 2012

Let's do it again. Second Sail.

Well, we loved it so much I invited another friend down.  This time, someone I learned how to dinghy sail with. Here is some GPS footage of the sailing.  The pic below only shows the route but I have all the stats such as top speed, average speed, etc.  Very cool.

Top speed 5.4 knots

Michelle & Ortski ready to go out

Things I learned this time out:

1) Docking is a nightmare.  Had to paddle in again.  I need to get better at this.

2) The jib gets tangled in the forestay.  This is a problem since I can't unfurl it but most likely due to me having too much slack in the jib and forestay.  Dave V from C&Lsuggested something which I'll try this week and report back

Sunday 20 May 2012

Maiden Voyage!!

It's time.  I'm nervous. The wind is really blowing and I have 2 friends with me who have never sailed (well, one was on a dinghy once). No time like the present.

Screenshoot from GoPro footage

Things I learned

1)Don't ignore the buoys in the harbour.  I found out the hard way that shallow IS shallow - even for a dinghy.  Yes, we got stuck about 30 feet from the dock and yes, I had to jump out of the boat and walk us out of the shallow water.  Then, we had to paddle in.

2) I need a different main block.  The one on this boat is completely opposite to what I have learned on.  The cleat is at the top of the block so when you start to heel and you're holding on for dear life, you're cleating the main and pulling it tighter and tighter.  This is fine until you want to spill some wind from the sails.  At that point, you need to make the unnatural movement and snap it down to release.  Basically, this cleats by default.  I can see how some people would like this.

3) Pulling in and out of the dock will be quite the spectacle for bystanders for a while.  I find this extremely difficult.

4) Tiller extension is too short on this thing. I've ordered a longer telescoping tiller from C&L.  This may or may not be an easy install.  Need to take a pic of it and send to Dave.  We might need to rivet it on.

Saturday 12 May 2012

More help from C&L Boatworks

Well, it's obvious that I need a cover for this thing.  One, so I can keep the rain out, and two, so I can keep my harness, PFD's, tillers, etc under it.  Otherwise, I'd need to bring this stuff to the club each time I wanted to sail which is not conducive to my plan of riding my bike to the club.  It just so happens that Dave from C&L was on his way to Toronto to drop off a boat.  He stopped by the club for me to a) drop off the cover I purchased & b) ensure I rigged it properly and I had enough tension on the shrouds and forestay (my biggest concern).  

 Dave installing mast safety line 

The cover!

Friday 11 May 2012

Stepping the Mast & Riggin'!

First nice day!  Took it off work and headed down to the club (after stopping at the LCBO for a few tall boys) with my girlfriend, Michelle.  We fumbled our way through stepping the mast, installing the spreaders and shrouds & connecting the forestay.  It's starting to look like a boat!

Stepping the mast

Michelle installing painter 

                                                          Installing the spreaders

Saturday 31 March 2012

Wrapping it up

It's still freezing out.  Decided I better go check on 'er at the club.  As suspected, she was full of water and leaves.  After draining the water, I wrapped her up tight until the nice weather.

Sleep tight.  See you in the spring

Saturday 17 March 2012

Phase 2: Delivery of the vessel

A cold Saturday in March (St. Patrick's day) and she's making her voyage from the CL Shop to Ashbridge's Bay.  Dave V dropped the boat off and we put together the trailer.  After a couple beers we called it a day.

The Arrival!

Dave & the CL - it's freezing out

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Phase 1: Transporting the vessel

After going through various options of towing this back to Toronto (since I have no car, we thought of the UHaul, flatbed, etc) - Reached out to CL Boatworks (the manufacturer) and spoke with the president, Dave V.  Dave was super helpful and answered a lot of my questions.  He also took a look at the trailer pics and warned against it. Dave agreed to pick up the boat in Guelph, tow it to his shop, and give it a once over for  [note: he ended up tightening the exit block and halyard cleats for me and throwing in a drain plug & mast safety line]  

From CL I also purchased:
  • Aluminum Dolly
  • Trapeze Kit
  • Forestay (and turnbuckle)
  • Gull Harness (XL - winter weight)
  • Spreaders (for the trap)
At this point, it's March and I can't wait to get this sucker in the water.  

The next step is for Dave to tow the boat up to Ashbridges Bay for me in Toronto.

Leaving Guelph

The CL14 @ the CL Shop